ess Extenders
The traditional leash setup has the jesses connected to the swivel directly. Footy birds, nervous birds, tight equipment, and cold weather can all make a falconer less dextrous than he would like to be. Fumbling to slide the swivel up the jess, then pass the swivel back through the slit in the jess can be contentious. In these cases a jess extender is very useful. The swivel is bulky and can be difficult to manipulate. The jess extender, by contrast, is flexible and can be pushed through even narrow slits.
Top This is a braided Dacron jess extender with a French Clip swivel that is used as a glove leash. Jess extender by Richard Jones.
Middle This is a braided jess extender with a British Falconer's swivel that is used as a jess extender in the Layman Leash system. Jess extender by Steve Layman.
Bottom This is a braided Dacron jess extender that is integrated with the leash. Jess extender by Richard Jones.
All images and text Copyright © 2004 - 2020 - Lydia Ash