here are a lot of pages and useful information on the site, some of which can easily be missed. Listing the web pages and all video clips is an effort to make some of the more hidden information more accessible.
eb Pages Aba aba.htm American Kestrel AMKestrel.htm Anklets anklets.htm Aplomado Falcon aplomado.htm Operant Conditioning Basics basics.htm Various raptor beaks beak.htm Becoming a Falconer becoming.htm So you think you want to be a falconer... beginning.htm Raptor Behavior behavior.htm Bell bell.htm Birds birds.htm Bookshelf bookshelf.htm Casting a bird cast.htm Chaps chaps.htm Choanal or Choanal Slit choanal.htm Cloaca cloaca.htm Clubs clubs.htm Contact information (and recognition of contributors) contact.htm Cooper's Hawk coopers.htm Coping coping.htm Creance creance.htm Raptor diseases diseases.htm Various raptor ears ear.htm Eurasian Eagle Owl EEO.htm Raptor Electrocution electrocution.htm Eurasian Kestrel EURkestrel.htm Eurasian Sparrowhawk EURsparrowhawk.htm Eyes eyes.htm The Falconry Lifestyle falconry_lifestyle.htm Feathers feathers.htm Foot care feet.htm Ferruginous Hawk ferruginous.htm Planning a bird's first hunt first_hunt.htm First Aid firstaid.htm Fret marks fretmarks.htm Frounce frounce.htm Falconry Fundamentals fundamentals.htm Gallery gallery.htm Training Games games.htm General Biology gen_biology.htm General Equipment gen_equipment.htm General Health gen_health.htm Great Horned Owl gho.htm Glossary glossary.htm Glove glove.htm Golden Eagle golden.htm Goshawk goshawk.htm Gyrfalcon gyrfalcon.htm Harris Hawk harris.htm Hawk Box (giant hood) hawkbox.htm History of Falconry history.htm Hoods hoods.htm Horse and Hawk Connection horsehawk.htm Home page index.htm Jess extender jess_extender.htm Jesses jesses.htm Falconers knot knot.htm Leash leash.htm Legal issues in falconry (guidelines on how to stay legal) legal.htm Links links.htm Lures lures.htm Merlin merlin.htm Mews mews.htm Mutes mutes.htm Raptor Nutrition nutrition.htm Non-falconry Raptors other_raptors.htm Wrapping a perch perch_wrap.htm Perches perches.htm Peregrine Falcon peregrine.htm Prairie Falcon prairie.htm Pre-Trapping List pre-trapping.htm Preen gland preen.htm Publications publications.htm Puncture wounds puncture.htm Frequently asked questions questions.htm Red-Shouldered Hawk redshouldered.htm Red-Tail Hawk redtail.htm Roark roark.htm Saker saker.htm Screen Perches screen_perch.htm Sharp-Shinned Hawk sharpshin.htm Suppliers suppliers.htm Swainson's Hawk swainsons.htm Swivel swivel.htm Tail guard tailguard.htm Telemetry telemetry.htm Tire perch tire_perch.htm Trachea trachea.htm Training raptors using Operant Conditioning training.htm Traps and trapping traps_and_trapping.htm Vets vets.htm ideo Clips Bate: 290 Kb bate.wmv Bath (long): 1.9 meg bath1.wmv Bath (short): 312 Kb bath2.wmv Head bob: 862 Kb bob.wmv Bowse: 256 Kb bowse.wmv Cast (head motions normal before casting followed by a bird casting): 917 Kb cast.wmv Circles: 331 Kb circles.wmv Circles in the sun: 2 meg circles_in_the_sun.wmv Crouch: 875 Kb crouch.wmv A bird and her dog: 1.3 meg dog_bird.wmv Feak: 1.1 meg feak.wmv Loading and exiting a hawkbox: 2.5 meg hawkbox.wmv Head turning: 595 Kb head_turns.wmv Hooding: 803 Kb hooding.wmv Jump-ups and circles: 2.8 meg jumps_circles.wmv Jump-ups: 518 Kb jumpup.wmv Laying Down: 1.2 meg laying_down.wmv Look up: 203 Kb look_up.wmv Mantle (hiding food): 526 Kb mantle.wmv Mantle (stretch): 869 Kb mantle_stretch.wmv Mute: 694 Kb mute.wmv Preen: 562 Kb preen.wmv Put over a crop: 869 Kb put_over.wmv Remote circles: 750 Kb remote_circle.wmv Remote jump-ups: 1.1 meg remote_jumpups.wmv Restrained Pursuit: 323 Kb rp.wmv Rouse: 637 Kb rouse.wmv Stoop (USAFA short line lure stooping): 318 Kb stoop2.wmv Stoop (master falconer Ron Kearney pole lure stooping): 644 Kb stoop.wmv Warble: 436 Kb warble_stretch.wmv Yo-Yo: 318 Kb yoyo.wmv |